With the Empowered Vision Board Toolkit, you will...
👉 Get to know YOU! And get clear about the goals that truly align with YOUR passion & purpose
With so many distractions in the world, it's important to get clear about the vision and goals that are meant for YOU!
You are unique and AMAZING in your own way and we are going to get down to exactly what you are here to create.
👉 Create a POWERFUL vision for every area of your life & bring clarity and intention to everything you do
This workbook brings together the most important elements of not only creating the vision, but focusing on what is most important to bring your dreams into reality.
AND guides you through removing your focus from what is not moving you in the right direction!
👉 Create a Physical AND Digital vision board step by step that ACTUALLY MANIFESTS with Drag & Drop Digital Templates!
Ok no fluff here! And no more creating a vision board just to say you did it. You want to spend time creating a vision board that not only inspires you but actually WORKS!
Here I give you the step by step method I use from start to finish to create a board that has helped me to receive soooo many blessings AND you get 5 BEAUTIFUL drag and drop Canva templates to create a desktop and mobile vision board.
👉 Create a powerful & intentional routine AFTER the vision board has been created that helps you to consistently manifest your greatest dreams and goals
After the vision board is created is when the intention truly starts.
I will show you everything you need to ensure that your board actually begins to attract your desires and continues to do so on a consistent basis.
👉 Attract & SLAY your goals using 1 powerful technique to connect to your vision board that changes. the. game!
I discovered this while creating my vision board one year and it brought me to tears. This 1 technique that I use took my manifestation to an entirely different level, and this is when I began manifesting fast. (found on page 52)